Soldier, Poet, King
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The only three verses in the song reminded me of the three main characters, Jack, Ralph, and Piggy. Each of the verses describes what kind of characters they were."There will come a soldier
Who caries a mighty sword
He will tear your city down."This first verse describing a fighting soldier could be interpreted as Jack. He had a strong spirit and was a skilled fighter. The last line in the verse also reminded me of how most of the deaths were caused by Jack. The first boy, when Jack was ecstatic with the fire, letting it grow uncontrollable and Simon, when he thought the beast was disguised as him."There will come a poet
Whose weapon is his word
He will slay you with his tongue"This verse reminded me of Piggy and how he was always insightful. He was intelligent, but because of his appearance, did not seem that way to the other boys. They mocked him and pushed him around, even though he was the most knowledgeable and level-headed boy on the island. Which, the boys may have taken his intelligence as a threat."There will come a ruler
Whose brow is laid in thorn
Smeared with oil like David's boy."At the beginning of the book, it was Ralph who was chief of the boys. He was fair, but also determined to reach his goal of being rescued. By the end, he was defeated by Jack, left swollen and scarred due to the fights he endured.